Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Final Blog

Wassup ya'll, so as you guys know I was a black sheep in this class from the start because I'm the only dude but I do not regret being in there with everyone. As we learned today, this class was not just about telenovelas but it also expressed the cultures of different countries and how their production process differs from each other. Even different South American countries have different methods depending on what rules and regulations they have. So I may not have looked very happy the first few classes but I did learn a lot this time period we had together. Well, my last update on Las Munecas de la Mafia is that everything has gone crazy. Braulio's ex wife has been a major problem in everyone's life. The friend group of Pamela and her friends have been running errands for Braulio along with trying to hit on them and trying to get with them. Braulio's ex wife will see them around town and give them an ear full on how they are gold diggers and is becoming very jealous of the attention Braulio has been getting from the young college girls. The captain that was suspended from the airline company has been proven innocent thanks to a healthy bribe from the mafia he was working for.
Braulio also advices the captain to disappear for a while as the case sizzles out but the captain disagrees and says that he needs the work and does not plan on leaving and Braulio agrees and tells him to be careful. One of the girls that are working for Braulio, Brenda Navarette, is working to get enough money to bail her dad out of jail. Her dad owned a farm where cocaine was being produced. A swat team came and raided the property and arrested her father for having the cocaine kitchen on his property. So every character on this show is now involved with the mafia even though Braulio, the mafia leader, does not seem like the antagonists fully yet but things are definitely about to go south and someone is going to snap soon. Anyway, this telenovela's theme is to do anything for family no matter what. Enjoyed it guys, hope you look into Las Munecas de la Mafia and enjoyed my blogs. Eric Posas signing out.

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