Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Las Munecas de la Mafia

Our class sessions have really started to interest me more every new class we have. I did not realize the different challenges and obstacles that go into making each telenovela. I never thought about the outside conditions having to be correct for filming such a long and intense series where the director determines whether the footage is good enough or not. Each actor has to be ready to runt through their lines multiple times a day to get the correct scene.
Onto more updates of Las Munecas de la Mafia, Braulio, the head mafia guy filed divorce with his wife because she just uses all his money and they don't like each other anymore. His wife also stole a pair of wedges that had an ounce of cocaine in each of them before she went on her big trip to another country. Pamela, a daughter of a pilot was kicked out of school because her father was caught running private flights for Braulio and transporting drugs. She is absolutely devastated and is in disbelief because neither of her parents will tell her the truth. Braulio tells the pilot that he should disappear for a little bit while the court case dissolved. Anyway, thats all I have for now and I will update y'all next week.
                                                      Pamela Rojas

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